Fancy style
BYC Returns Policy Class Cards & Packages:
All BYC class cards are non refundable, non freezable and non transferable.
We will of course hold class cards for pregnancy and/or medical reasons. For medical/injury class card hold we require a doctor, physio, chiropractors (or whoever you are seeing in regards to the issue) note, attaining to the issue and that it has been keeping you from your yoga, emailed to us at
BYC Returns Policy for Workshops:
All BYC Workshops are non refundable, non freezable & non transferable.
We do not offer refunds on workshops. However, if you need to cancel out of the workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the fee will be credited to your BYC account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.
If you have booked a package and need to cancel one or more of your Workshops, you will be charged full price for the Workshops you attend. The remaining amount will then be credit to your BYC account.
BYC Returns Policy for Yoga Clothes and Apparel:
UK Shipping ONLY.
Your goods will be sent 1st Class Recorded Delivery within 2 working days of placing your order. You should receive your goods within 3-5 days of placing your order.
- Come to class well hydrated. After Eagle Pose, you can drink between the postures, but try to take small sips of water. The closer your water is to your body temperature, the quicker it can be assimilated by your body to hydrate you. That’s why we don’t advise bringing cold or iced water into the room.
- Make sure you come to class fully fuelled. Everyone has a different eating window: some can eat straight before class, others need to leave it 3hrs. Rule of thumb: make sure you’ve eaten something at least 2hrs before class. Never come on an empty stomach, you need the fuel.
- Leave your hand towel at home – you do not need it! Of course your hands will feel sweaty, your brow will feel sweaty, but practise allowing the sweat to fall. If we use a towel to grip, how are we ever going to get strong enough to work without one? Practise makes.. well, more practised and able! Following this ‘path of least resistance’ can help you achieve incredible strength and focus. Everytime you wipe the sweat away, it will just return. Conserve your energy for the postures and learn to let your sweat do it’s job. It’s your bodies way of keeping you at the right temperature. If you notice yourself getting frustrated, see if you can be aware of that feeling passing through you and let it go!
- It’s advisable to avoid the front row in your first class, however, as you progress, please feel free to move forward, don’t be scared. The front row can be an invaluable visual guide for new people practising behind. You don’t have to be perfect, (who is?!) but we simply ask you know the postures, before you make the move.
- Try to practise in different places around the room – mixing it up is fun! Come to class without preconceived ideas about where you’ll be in the room or about what the class will deliver. Let life surprise you!
- If you need to take a break during class, kneel down or sit down and join back in when you are ready. Stay in the room, that way you are still getting the benefits of class and building your stamina for your future classes.
- Be still between postures. Learn not to fiddle with your mat/clothes/hair in class, conserve your energies between postures. Focus on regulating your breathing in and out through your nose, calm and slow. Breathing is the key to your class. Master this and you will fly, quite literally ?
- Listen to your teacher. Everything you need to know is in their words. Every class you will hear something different because, as your practice deepens and your body opens, you will find yourself building deeper connections between the words and your body.
- Breathe (we’ve touched on this already but, it really is quite important this breathing malarkey! So, worth a second note). Never hold your breath in postures. Breathe in and out through the nose for the entire class.
- Make sure you come to class clean and fresh, in comfortable, appropriate clothing. Feel free to shower before class.
- Respect each other. If you need to blow your nose during class, please keep the tissue you use ON your towel.
- Don’t worry about what anyone else in the room is doing – focus on yourself and your breath for 90 minutes. When in life do we ever get 90 whole minutes to focus on just ourselves?
- Let go of judgement: of yourself, of others – every class will feel different. It should – you are evolving all the time!
- Be mindful of your fellow yogis. As a wise yogi once said ‘Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.’
- Always try your 100% best. Whether you are doing 1% of the posture or 99%, if you are following the correct alignment and giving it your all, you are getting 100% of the benefits. This is not to say push into anything that is painful or past your capabilities. Be honest with yourself and always listen to your body. We spend so much time listening to our minds, in class, listen to your body, it is speaking to you in so many ways.
- Come to class ready to accept whatever happens, with commitment, focus and patience.
- Move together and with the words – group energy in yoga is a powerful thing. Once you know the postures, if you move out of time, it means you are letting your mind get in the way. You aren’t present. You are cutting yourself off from the benefits and asking your fellow yogis/inis to work harder to maintain their focus.
- Everybody is different and every journey is different – enjoy yours every class.
For anyone wishing to practise with a diagnosed heart condition we ask that you first check with your doctor as to whether Bikram Yoga is a suitable form of exercise for you. When you come to practise your first class, please bring in a note from your doctor confirming that you are well enough to participate in Bikram Yoga classes. We ask all Angina sufferers to carry their spray on them at all times while practising in the studio.
This is why we have the faculty to PREBOOK but cancel out anytime prior to class, so you can assure you have your space.
Pre-Booking: It is incredibly helpful for us, if you pre-book into class, and it also assures your space. This being said we do happily accept walk-ins, if there is space. If you pre-book, you can cancel out of class at any time prior to the start of class. Please always cancel if you are unable to attend. If you fail to cancel yourself out prior to the start of class then this is when a cancellation charges maybe applicable i.e. charge of £10 (for unlimited memberships including the intro offer) or lose the class (for 5 or 10 class cards).
We have a set capacity which we do occasionally reach. This usually happens during bank holidays or times of reduced schedule (or Monday evenings ;).
To avoid disappointment remember to book into class one our website or using Mindbody App and make sure you arrive at least 5 mins before the start of class, otherwise you space maybe give away to people on the waitlist. Alternatively if you arrive early for one of these class (we open the doors half an hr before the start of class, except at the 6:30am when doors are opened 15 min before class).
Once we reach that capacity, which has been set for your comfort and safety, we are unable to admit anyone else into class.
We cannot offer refunds or extensions if you are unable to get into these classes.
Latecomers Policy at BYC hot yoga:
Students are required to be in the room for the start of the class. This is for their own safety and to cause least disruption to the class.
Perfect! This Yoga is for you! This is one of the most common misconceptions that prevent people from coming to Yoga classes. Yoga is not all about how flexible you are, it is about stretching your body and spine in all directions. There are very few people that start Yoga perfectly healthy and flexible.
You just need to try the right way and go to your own edge and you will get 100% benefit.
There are so many more benefits from practicing Yoga as well as improved flexibility.
Yes absolutely! In time the yoga will help you lose weight; with regular practice you will lose inches and develop muscle tone. Do not be surprised if at first you do not seem to be losing weight on the scales even thought you look lighter, do not forget muscle weighs more than body fat.
As you are losing weight you are building strength and stamina with the Yoga.
The Yoga provides a strong cardiovascular work out. Some of the postures speed up the heart rate in the first few seconds thus strengthening the heart. A good sign of health is that you can speed the heart rate up quickly and then slow it down quickly. You will learn to practice the postures with your breath.
The heat in the room supports your cardio work out.
Muscles, fascia and connective tissues become more elastic allowing for greater flexibility with less chance of injury.
It promotes sweating which assists the detoxification process using the body’s largest elimination organ: the skin.
Your blood becomes thinner, which clears the circulatory system.
When the body is between three and five degrees above normal temperature, T-cell output from the thymus gland is multiplied 20 fold. T-cells fight infection which in turn helps to keep the immune system functioning properly.
Warmer temperatures produce a fluid stretch that allows for greater range of motion in the joints.
Heart rate becomes elevated improving the cardiovascular system and fitness.
Warm muscles burn fat more effectively. When we stretch, the fat has no room to sit, so it redistributes to the blood stream. We can then use it as energy.
Capillaries respond to the heat by dilating. This allows more oxygen to muscles, tissues, organs and glands helping to remove waste products from the body.
Higher temperatures improve the function of the nervous system, meaning that messages are carried more rapidly to and from the brain or spinal cord.
The heat improves strength because proteins can be utilised more effectively.
It speeds the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids.
It strengthens willpower, self control and determination through the challenging environment.
All this giving you a wonderful glow from head to toe. The heat combined with the sequence of the postures is what makes Bikram Yoga so special.
You will need:
A Mat – we hire these for £1.50 and steam clean them after every use. You are more the welcome to bring your own. Please note: we are unable to store mats for customers.
Water – we sell 500ml Belu Water for £0.60p. (All of Belu’s profits – yes ALL – go to WaterAid. To date, they have donated £1,003,290 transforming the lives of 66,920 people.)
Two bath Size Towels – Towel Hire £1.50/towel
(one to place on your mat during class and one if you choose to shower here after class)
Photo ID
£1 for our coin lockers. mention that regular exercise like Bikram Yoga, not only ‘keeps the heart healthy and gets oxygen into the system, but it helps deplete stress hormones and releases mood-enhancing chemicals, endorphins, which help us cope with stress better.’
Whether you are building muscle or stamina (both in Bikram Yoga), all types of exercise relax tense muscles and tissue.’ (
We may not be able to give you a weeks holiday in Mauritius, but we can give you 90 minutes of life-enhancing yoga to assist you to build the tools, so that everyday is as stress free as a holiday!
Avoid loose fitting clothes. Women mostly wear sports tops and shorts or leggings. Men wear shorts. T shirt optional.
Please dress appropriately for class, make sure you are properly covered!
For inspiration on Yoga workout clothes, maybe take a look at our online or in studio shop.
Here are a few What not to wears we have learned about from years of experience…
Women’s Loose fitting shorts: There is a fashion for short loosely fitted shorts for ladies. Unfortunately, during certain postures, these little shorts are not as flexible as you are… Need we say more!?
Who likes short shorts… If you have a love of the shorts of the smaller variety, please be mindful that these small shorts are enough in all yoga positions/postures.
Hot Bikram Yoga: 90 mins or 75 min
Yin Yoga: 75 mins
Hot Vinyasa Flow: 60mins.
Hot Inferno Pilates: 60 mins
We ask that you always come with the mind to practise the full class you are attending.
Come as often as you can.
Yoga is the type of exercise you can do daily. The more you come the greater the benefits. Bikram advises a daily practise for the first two months to allow your body to really get used to the heat and build the strength needed for postures.
Don’t be put off if that seems like a daunting prospect, the harder this Yoga is for you initially, the more you need to do it and the more you are going to benefit from it. The time and effort you put in to Bikram Yoga will be returned to you tenfold. Its fun, it works!
You will find that lots of positive changes take place which will keep you wanting to come back. The key is to listen to your body. The teachers are always available before and after class if you want to talk about your practise.
You should drink plenty of water everyday.
It is estimated, for optimal well-being, we should drink at least 2 litres a day.
When you practise Hot Yoga you should aim to drink more. It is important to stay hydrated so that your elimination systems (bowel, urinary, and skin) can support your efforts.
Though you will drink small sips of water during class, the real hydration happens before and after.
Hydrate your life!
Hydration is key to Hot Yoga! And life, for that matter.
The key to hydration lies in water & salt…. Yes, salt.
Hydration isn’t about guzzling a litre of water right before class starts. Having a belly full of water is likely to make class feel even more challenging. Ideally, we should all be drinking at least 2 litres of pure water every day. That’s why all BYC teachers advise you to sip small amounts of water during class and to do your main hydrating throughout the day.
And of course, water alone does not equal hydration. We also require the right balance of electrolytes, which can be found in rock salt, sea salt or Himalayan salt.
When you exercise heavily, you lose electrolytes in your sweat, particularly sodium and potassium. These electrolytes must be replaced to keep the electrolyte concentrations of your body fluids constant. To help you do this, you could perhaps add a pinch of Himalayan salt to your water (with a squeeze of lemon juice for taste). Coconut water, Emergen-C or Nuun, all sold at BYC reception, also do the job nicely.
Why do we not sell or advice you to drink cold water in class? Just think: you are doing all this work to try to warm yourself up, if you hit your stomach with a blast of cold/ice water, your body gets confused… Hot? Cold? Whats happening?
Room-temperature water is easier for your body to assimilate than cold water. Our bodies have to use valuable energy to warm the water to absorb it, so drink room temperature water and, instead, use all your energy for your postures!
Water really is the stuff of life: it transports nutrients, hormones and other important molecules to where they are needed in the body. Did you know that we are 75% water and that the human brain is 85 % water (explains a lot of post Bikram happenings, if you ask me!). Medical research has found that when our bodies are dehydrated over a long time, it can develop symptoms of diseases such as asthma, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, migraine and many others. If we drank enough water daily, according to the experts, many cases of these debilitating diseases could be prevented or even cured! Water for thought, huh!?
For more information on how to fuel your body for class see FAQ ‘Can you eat before class?‘
You should not come to class hungry. Although, it is best not to eat anything heavy 1 to 2 hours before class, but you will want something to fuel you.
It is equally important to properly feed/fuel your body. You wouldn’t expect beautiful trees to flourish, without sunlight, water and nutrients from the soil, so why would you expect your body to work at it’s optimum, without feeding it the things it needs?
So, in order to get the best out of each and every class, we advise:
– Come to class well hydrated,
– learn to breath in and out through your nose for the entire class
– come to class having eaten a nutritious meal a few hours before!
Proteins and complex carbohydrates are great sources of energy. Energy derived from sugar, in all its many delicious forms, will provide you with a quick burst, but will see your energy levels dip and crash in class.
So, ladies and gentlemen, porridge, bananas, nuts, fish/chicken (not fried), whole wheats, veggies, eggs, hummus, lentils, the genius that is the avocado… to name a few. These are where our pre and post hot yoga fuel best lie.
For more information on Hydration and for those of you who would like to know a little more about what we mean when we say electrolytes see the question ‘What about drinking water before class?‘
If you are suffering from a medical condition that you feel might prohibit you from taking part in a hot yoga practise, please always check with your doctor. If your doctor has signed you off as ok to participate in strenuous exercise, then you are ok to join the class. However, if they recommend a gentle yoga then our Yin Yoga classes maybe more suitable.
Hot 26+2 Yoga is suitable for all ages and levels of ability above 14 years old (the ability to sweat is essential to prevent overheating). It may be more challenging to some and certain modifications may need to be made. Always check with your doctor if you have a concern and inform the instructor prior to the class.
Hot Yoga is not recommended if any of the following applies:
* If you are fasting.
* If you have a fever or suffering from an infectious disease.
* If you are already doing an intense detoxification
* If you are pregnant and have less than 1 years of regular hot yoga practice.
* If you are receiving dialysis treatment or have any major kidney issues.
* If you have recently suffered from a stroke (6 months).
* If you have a heart condition (unless your doctor has okayed you to participate in strenuous exercise
* If you are recovering from recent surgery.
* If you are on any medication that advises against strenuous exercise.
* If you have recently had a tattoo.
Please let our Teachers and Staff know.
We are happy to hold any class card for the duration of your pregnancy, please email us at
Practising While Pregnant:
During the delicate and critical time of your first trimester we ask you to refrain from practising at BYC.
If you are pregnant and have never practised Bikram/ Hot Vinyasa or Yin Yoga before, we suggest that you find a gentle pregnancy yoga class and come back to regular BYC Yoga classes about eight weeks after the birth of your child.
If you have had a regular BYC Yoga practise of no less than 1 year before becoming pregnant, please talk to a senior teacher after your first trimester, about resuming regular classes. Any less than this and we would again advise you to find a gentler yoga class for the duration of your pregnancy.
When you are pregnant your body temperature is already higher; therefore you would need a cooler part of the room. In addition, compressions or lying on your back are not recommended. Please inform your instructor to enable them to work with you.
Returning Post Pregnancy:
In regards to resuming your BYC Yoga practise or taking up a practise postpartum, we advice waiting approximately eight weeks after the birth of your child (including C-sections). We ask that you have been signed off by your GP/ health practitioner as ok to resume exercise, prior to your first class after birth.
If your doctor has okayed you to return to exercise postpartum, please ask the reception staff to give you the modification sheet to take into class, if you should need.
If you are breast feeding please make sure you adequately hydrate. It may also be uncomfortable to lie on your front, in this instance you may wish to practise the pregnancy serious for the belly down postures.
We always recommend that you speak to your doctor and any health workers supervising your pregnancy about what type of exercise is right for you and your baby.
You are welcome to join any class at BYC with high blood pressure, as long as you have been given the ok by your doctor to engage in strenuous exercise.
Always let BYC staff and teachers now about any medical issues include your blood pressure.
Make sure you take it easy and sit down/miss out postures if you need to.
If you have Asthma, you must always have your Blue inhaler on you to attend any class at BYC hot yoga.
Practising yoga in a heated room will be good for you in several ways:
The heat helps to relax the muscles and nerves.
The intensity at which you practice is up to you, appropriate for your needs.
If you are concerned about overexertion triggering an attack, use less effort. Sit down and relax whenever you need to.
It will relax your mind, letting go of tension, toxins and negativity.
Your lungs and heart are strengthened, improving our lung function.
In the long term you will be able to breath easier and deeper.
Even if the class you have chosen is not a heated one, there are still wonderful benefits for your mind, body & lungs.
Pre-Booking: It is incredibly helpful for us, if you pre-book into class, and it also assures your space. This being said we do happily accept walk-ins, if there is space.
If you pre-book, you can cancel out of class at any time prior to the start of class. Please always cancel if you are unable to attend. If you fail to cancel yourself out prior to the start of class then this is when a cancellation charges maybe applicable i.e. charge of £10 (for unlimited memberships including the intro offer) or lose the class (for 5 or 10 class cards).
Doors open 30 minutes before class starts (15minutes before 06:15am & 45 minutes for 6.15pm/8:15pm classes). We shut the doors half an hour after class has finished.
If you are new to class please come 15 minutes early so you have time to fill out a Registration Form. You can save time by printing and filling out our Registration Form from the website.
Please see online T&C’s for booking our cancellation policies.
14 years old. Under 16′s must be accompanied by an adult (over 18 years old) each time they practise. Their parent/guardian must sign their registration form. We offer an £8 Drop In rate for under 16′s.
16 and 17 year olds must be accompanied by an adult (over 18 years of age) on their first visit. Their parent/guardian must countersign their registration form. After their first accompanied visit, they are then able to come to class on their own.
Time is of the essence.
Why 90 minutes?
Bikram Yoga has been practiced as a 90 minute series of 26 postures + 2 breathing exercises, for over 40 years. In this time, it has accumulated millions of dedicated practitioners around the world, due to the many physical and mental benefits they have experienced.
90 minutes is the optimum length of time for the class to be practised in its most effective way, allowing:
– oxygenating breathing at the beginning of class and a detoxing breathing at the end;
– the optimum duration of each posture;
– second sets, which give you the opportunity to deepen your practise and see improvements instantly;
– a complete warm-up, slightly longer than the deeper structural work;
– a long Savasana after an intense Standing Series;
– a 20 second Savasana after every posture in the Floor Series, which is the minimum amount of time for your blood to circulate fully through your system ;
– a bit of extra time for Helen to forget what posture she’s teaching, for Andy to drop in a Beyonce/Kylie reference or for Fed to crack a joke and wait for his students to get it. Or not.
Rest/Savasnana between each posture is an integral part of the Bikram Yoga series. This is where the magic happens: Dead Body Pose facilitates powerful blood flow, then lets circulation return to normal, creating internal cleansing and greatly magnifying the benefits of the postures that precede it. We, also, begin to learn relaxation.
This particular 90-minute series of 26 postures + 2 breathing exercises, has been proved to systematically work every part of the body, to give all the internal organs, all the veins, all the ligaments, and all the muscles everything they need to maintain optimum health and maximum function. Each component takes care of something different in the body, and yet they all work together synergistically, contributing to the success of every other one, and extending its benefits.This is why it is so important to give yourself 90 minutes. For you; your body and mind. Not to steal a famous tag line, but… you are worth it!
*Concession prices are available to 65yrs+, Students, those in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance, Tax Credits, Income Support, Disability Allowance, the Armed Forces, NHS Employees, Police, Fire-Fighters, Equity and Musician Union Members, selected local businesses and 16-17years old. 14–15 year olds are entitled to an £8 Drop In rate but, they must be accompanied by an adult (over 18) to every class.
Concession Rates are only available in Studio. To claim concession rate please bring proof of your concession in every time you wish to make a purchase.
General Price | *Concession Price (ONLY AVAILABLE IN-STUDIO) | |
In-Studio Drop In | £22 | £19 |
BEST DEAL: Yearly Unlimited Not Inclu Mats | £1099 | N/A |
Yearly Unlimited Including Mats | £1199 | N/A |
Please note: You have one month from purchase to start these cards |
General Price | *Concession Price (only available in studio) | |||||||
Please note: This card starts on the day of purchase. |
General Price | Concession Price (only available in studio) | |||||||
12 Month Autopay | £109pm | £99pm | ||||||
Please note: This card starts on the day of purchase. |
We have both Male and Female Changing Rooms, with shower facilities, hairdryers, toilets and small lockers.
Our lockers are for valuables, you require a £1/Locker Token to close them but you do get this back once you put the key back in.
Pre-Booking: It is incredibly helpful for us, if you pre-book into class, and it also assures your space. This being said we do happily accept walk-ins, if there is space.
Cancellation Policy: You can cancel out of class at any time prior to the start of class. Please always cancel if you are unable to attend. If you fail to cancel yourself out prior to the start of class then this is when a cancellation charges maybe applicable i.e. charge of £10 (for unlimited memberships including the intro offer) or lose the class (for 5 or 10 class cards).
Please note that you must be in the room for the start if class, we do not permit latecomers.
Min. No Classes | Class Card | Price | Price/Class |
Once in a blue moon | Drop In | £22 | £22 |
1 per month | 5 Class Card | £95 | £19 |
2 per month | 10 Class Card | £166 | £16 |
1 per week | 10 Class Card | £166 | £16 |
2+ per week Cheapest per Class |
Yearly Unlimited
£1099 £1199 (with mats) |
without mats 2/week £10.57 3/week £7.07 |
2 x week pay monthly |
12 Month Autopay | £109/Month £119/Month with Mats |
without mats 2/week £13.63 3/week £9.08 |
Simple style
BYC Returns Policy Class Cards & Packages:
All BYC class cards are non refundable, non freezable and non transferable.
We will of course hold class cards for pregnancy and/or medical reasons. For medical/injury class card hold we require a doctor, physio, chiropractors (or whoever you are seeing in regards to the issue) note, attaining to the issue and that it has been keeping you from your yoga, emailed to us at
BYC Returns Policy for Workshops:
All BYC Workshops are non refundable, non freezable & non transferable.
We do not offer refunds on workshops. However, if you need to cancel out of the workshop and do so any time prior to 24hrs before the event, please email the studio at and the fee will be credited to your BYC account. If you late cancel under 24hrs prior to class you will be charged in full.
If you have booked a package and need to cancel one or more of your Workshops, you will be charged full price for the Workshops you attend. The remaining amount will then be credit to your BYC account.
BYC Returns Policy for Yoga Clothes and Apparel:
UK Shipping ONLY.
Your goods will be sent 1st Class Recorded Delivery within 2 working days of placing your order. You should receive your goods within 3-5 days of placing your order.
- Come to class well hydrated. After Eagle Pose, you can drink between the postures, but try to take small sips of water. The closer your water is to your body temperature, the quicker it can be assimilated by your body to hydrate you. That’s why we don’t advise bringing cold or iced water into the room.
- Make sure you come to class fully fuelled. Everyone has a different eating window: some can eat straight before class, others need to leave it 3hrs. Rule of thumb: make sure you’ve eaten something at least 2hrs before class. Never come on an empty stomach, you need the fuel.
- Leave your hand towel at home – you do not need it! Of course your hands will feel sweaty, your brow will feel sweaty, but practise allowing the sweat to fall. If we use a towel to grip, how are we ever going to get strong enough to work without one? Practise makes.. well, more practised and able! Following this ‘path of least resistance’ can help you achieve incredible strength and focus. Everytime you wipe the sweat away, it will just return. Conserve your energy for the postures and learn to let your sweat do it’s job. It’s your bodies way of keeping you at the right temperature. If you notice yourself getting frustrated, see if you can be aware of that feeling passing through you and let it go!
- It’s advisable to avoid the front row in your first class, however, as you progress, please feel free to move forward, don’t be scared. The front row can be an invaluable visual guide for new people practising behind. You don’t have to be perfect, (who is?!) but we simply ask you know the postures, before you make the move.
- Try to practise in different places around the room – mixing it up is fun! Come to class without preconceived ideas about where you’ll be in the room or about what the class will deliver. Let life surprise you!
- If you need to take a break during class, kneel down or sit down and join back in when you are ready. Stay in the room, that way you are still getting the benefits of class and building your stamina for your future classes.
- Be still between postures. Learn not to fiddle with your mat/clothes/hair in class, conserve your energies between postures. Focus on regulating your breathing in and out through your nose, calm and slow. Breathing is the key to your class. Master this and you will fly, quite literally ?
- Listen to your teacher. Everything you need to know is in their words. Every class you will hear something different because, as your practice deepens and your body opens, you will find yourself building deeper connections between the words and your body.
- Breathe (we’ve touched on this already but, it really is quite important this breathing malarkey! So, worth a second note). Never hold your breath in postures. Breathe in and out through the nose for the entire class.
- Make sure you come to class clean and fresh, in comfortable, appropriate clothing. Feel free to shower before class.
- Respect each other. If you need to blow your nose during class, please keep the tissue you use ON your towel.
- Don’t worry about what anyone else in the room is doing – focus on yourself and your breath for 90 minutes. When in life do we ever get 90 whole minutes to focus on just ourselves?
- Let go of judgement: of yourself, of others – every class will feel different. It should – you are evolving all the time!
- Be mindful of your fellow yogis. As a wise yogi once said ‘Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.’
- Always try your 100% best. Whether you are doing 1% of the posture or 99%, if you are following the correct alignment and giving it your all, you are getting 100% of the benefits. This is not to say push into anything that is painful or past your capabilities. Be honest with yourself and always listen to your body. We spend so much time listening to our minds, in class, listen to your body, it is speaking to you in so many ways.
- Come to class ready to accept whatever happens, with commitment, focus and patience.
- Move together and with the words – group energy in yoga is a powerful thing. Once you know the postures, if you move out of time, it means you are letting your mind get in the way. You aren’t present. You are cutting yourself off from the benefits and asking your fellow yogis/inis to work harder to maintain their focus.
- Everybody is different and every journey is different – enjoy yours every class.
For anyone wishing to practise with a diagnosed heart condition we ask that you first check with your doctor as to whether Bikram Yoga is a suitable form of exercise for you. When you come to practise your first class, please bring in a note from your doctor confirming that you are well enough to participate in Bikram Yoga classes. We ask all Angina sufferers to carry their spray on them at all times while practising in the studio.
This is why we have the faculty to PREBOOK but cancel out anytime prior to class, so you can assure you have your space.
Pre-Booking: It is incredibly helpful for us, if you pre-book into class, and it also assures your space. This being said we do happily accept walk-ins, if there is space. If you pre-book, you can cancel out of class at any time prior to the start of class. Please always cancel if you are unable to attend. If you fail to cancel yourself out prior to the start of class then this is when a cancellation charges maybe applicable i.e. charge of £10 (for unlimited memberships including the intro offer) or lose the class (for 5 or 10 class cards).
We have a set capacity which we do occasionally reach. This usually happens during bank holidays or times of reduced schedule (or Monday evenings ;).
To avoid disappointment remember to book into class one our website or using Mindbody App and make sure you arrive at least 5 mins before the start of class, otherwise you space maybe give away to people on the waitlist. Alternatively if you arrive early for one of these class (we open the doors half an hr before the start of class, except at the 6:30am when doors are opened 15 min before class).
Once we reach that capacity, which has been set for your comfort and safety, we are unable to admit anyone else into class.
We cannot offer refunds or extensions if you are unable to get into these classes.
Latecomers Policy at BYC hot yoga:
Students are required to be in the room for the start of the class. This is for their own safety and to cause least disruption to the class.
Perfect! This Yoga is for you! This is one of the most common misconceptions that prevent people from coming to Yoga classes. Yoga is not all about how flexible you are, it is about stretching your body and spine in all directions. There are very few people that start Yoga perfectly healthy and flexible.
You just need to try the right way and go to your own edge and you will get 100% benefit.
There are so many more benefits from practicing Yoga as well as improved flexibility.
Yes absolutely! In time the yoga will help you lose weight; with regular practice you will lose inches and develop muscle tone. Do not be surprised if at first you do not seem to be losing weight on the scales even thought you look lighter, do not forget muscle weighs more than body fat.
As you are losing weight you are building strength and stamina with the Yoga.
The Yoga provides a strong cardiovascular work out. Some of the postures speed up the heart rate in the first few seconds thus strengthening the heart. A good sign of health is that you can speed the heart rate up quickly and then slow it down quickly. You will learn to practice the postures with your breath.
The heat in the room supports your cardio work out.
Muscles, fascia and connective tissues become more elastic allowing for greater flexibility with less chance of injury.
It promotes sweating which assists the detoxification process using the body’s largest elimination organ: the skin.
Your blood becomes thinner, which clears the circulatory system.
When the body is between three and five degrees above normal temperature, T-cell output from the thymus gland is multiplied 20 fold. T-cells fight infection which in turn helps to keep the immune system functioning properly.
Warmer temperatures produce a fluid stretch that allows for greater range of motion in the joints.
Heart rate becomes elevated improving the cardiovascular system and fitness.
Warm muscles burn fat more effectively. When we stretch, the fat has no room to sit, so it redistributes to the blood stream. We can then use it as energy.
Capillaries respond to the heat by dilating. This allows more oxygen to muscles, tissues, organs and glands helping to remove waste products from the body.
Higher temperatures improve the function of the nervous system, meaning that messages are carried more rapidly to and from the brain or spinal cord.
The heat improves strength because proteins can be utilised more effectively.
It speeds the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids.
It strengthens willpower, self control and determination through the challenging environment.
All this giving you a wonderful glow from head to toe. The heat combined with the sequence of the postures is what makes Bikram Yoga so special.
You will need:
A Mat – we hire these for £1.50 and steam clean them after every use. You are more the welcome to bring your own. Please note: we are unable to store mats for customers.
Water – we sell 500ml Belu Water for £0.60p. (All of Belu’s profits – yes ALL – go to WaterAid. To date, they have donated £1,003,290 transforming the lives of 66,920 people.)
Two bath Size Towels – Towel Hire £1.50/towel
(one to place on your mat during class and one if you choose to shower here after class)
Photo ID
£1 for our coin lockers. mention that regular exercise like Bikram Yoga, not only ‘keeps the heart healthy and gets oxygen into the system, but it helps deplete stress hormones and releases mood-enhancing chemicals, endorphins, which help us cope with stress better.’
Whether you are building muscle or stamina (both in Bikram Yoga), all types of exercise relax tense muscles and tissue.’ (
We may not be able to give you a weeks holiday in Mauritius, but we can give you 90 minutes of life-enhancing yoga to assist you to build the tools, so that everyday is as stress free as a holiday!
Avoid loose fitting clothes. Women mostly wear sports tops and shorts or leggings. Men wear shorts. T shirt optional.
Please dress appropriately for class, make sure you are properly covered!
For inspiration on Yoga workout clothes, maybe take a look at our online or in studio shop.
Here are a few What not to wears we have learned about from years of experience…
Women’s Loose fitting shorts: There is a fashion for short loosely fitted shorts for ladies. Unfortunately, during certain postures, these little shorts are not as flexible as you are… Need we say more!?
Who likes short shorts… If you have a love of the shorts of the smaller variety, please be mindful that these small shorts are enough in all yoga positions/postures.
Hot Bikram Yoga: 90 mins or 75 min
Yin Yoga: 75 mins
Hot Vinyasa Flow: 60mins.
Hot Inferno Pilates: 60 mins
We ask that you always come with the mind to practise the full class you are attending.
Come as often as you can.
Yoga is the type of exercise you can do daily. The more you come the greater the benefits. Bikram advises a daily practise for the first two months to allow your body to really get used to the heat and build the strength needed for postures.
Don’t be put off if that seems like a daunting prospect, the harder this Yoga is for you initially, the more you need to do it and the more you are going to benefit from it. The time and effort you put in to Bikram Yoga will be returned to you tenfold. Its fun, it works!
You will find that lots of positive changes take place which will keep you wanting to come back. The key is to listen to your body. The teachers are always available before and after class if you want to talk about your practise.
You should drink plenty of water everyday.
It is estimated, for optimal well-being, we should drink at least 2 litres a day.
When you practise Hot Yoga you should aim to drink more. It is important to stay hydrated so that your elimination systems (bowel, urinary, and skin) can support your efforts.
Though you will drink small sips of water during class, the real hydration happens before and after.
Hydrate your life!
Hydration is key to Hot Yoga! And life, for that matter.
The key to hydration lies in water & salt…. Yes, salt.
Hydration isn’t about guzzling a litre of water right before class starts. Having a belly full of water is likely to make class feel even more challenging. Ideally, we should all be drinking at least 2 litres of pure water every day. That’s why all BYC teachers advise you to sip small amounts of water during class and to do your main hydrating throughout the day.
And of course, water alone does not equal hydration. We also require the right balance of electrolytes, which can be found in rock salt, sea salt or Himalayan salt.
When you exercise heavily, you lose electrolytes in your sweat, particularly sodium and potassium. These electrolytes must be replaced to keep the electrolyte concentrations of your body fluids constant. To help you do this, you could perhaps add a pinch of Himalayan salt to your water (with a squeeze of lemon juice for taste). Coconut water, Emergen-C or Nuun, all sold at BYC reception, also do the job nicely.
Why do we not sell or advice you to drink cold water in class? Just think: you are doing all this work to try to warm yourself up, if you hit your stomach with a blast of cold/ice water, your body gets confused… Hot? Cold? Whats happening?
Room-temperature water is easier for your body to assimilate than cold water. Our bodies have to use valuable energy to warm the water to absorb it, so drink room temperature water and, instead, use all your energy for your postures!
Water really is the stuff of life: it transports nutrients, hormones and other important molecules to where they are needed in the body. Did you know that we are 75% water and that the human brain is 85 % water (explains a lot of post Bikram happenings, if you ask me!). Medical research has found that when our bodies are dehydrated over a long time, it can develop symptoms of diseases such as asthma, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, migraine and many others. If we drank enough water daily, according to the experts, many cases of these debilitating diseases could be prevented or even cured! Water for thought, huh!?
For more information on how to fuel your body for class see FAQ ‘Can you eat before class?‘
You should not come to class hungry. Although, it is best not to eat anything heavy 1 to 2 hours before class, but you will want something to fuel you.
It is equally important to properly feed/fuel your body. You wouldn’t expect beautiful trees to flourish, without sunlight, water and nutrients from the soil, so why would you expect your body to work at it’s optimum, without feeding it the things it needs?
So, in order to get the best out of each and every class, we advise:
– Come to class well hydrated,
– learn to breath in and out through your nose for the entire class
– come to class having eaten a nutritious meal a few hours before!
Proteins and complex carbohydrates are great sources of energy. Energy derived from sugar, in all its many delicious forms, will provide you with a quick burst, but will see your energy levels dip and crash in class.
So, ladies and gentlemen, porridge, bananas, nuts, fish/chicken (not fried), whole wheats, veggies, eggs, hummus, lentils, the genius that is the avocado… to name a few. These are where our pre and post hot yoga fuel best lie.
For more information on Hydration and for those of you who would like to know a little more about what we mean when we say electrolytes see the question ‘What about drinking water before class?‘
If you are suffering from a medical condition that you feel might prohibit you from taking part in a hot yoga practise, please always check with your doctor. If your doctor has signed you off as ok to participate in strenuous exercise, then you are ok to join the class. However, if they recommend a gentle yoga then our Yin Yoga classes maybe more suitable.
Hot 26+2 Yoga is suitable for all ages and levels of ability above 14 years old (the ability to sweat is essential to prevent overheating). It may be more challenging to some and certain modifications may need to be made. Always check with your doctor if you have a concern and inform the instructor prior to the class.
Hot Yoga is not recommended if any of the following applies:
* If you are fasting.
* If you have a fever or suffering from an infectious disease.
* If you are already doing an intense detoxification
* If you are pregnant and have less than 1 years of regular hot yoga practice.
* If you are receiving dialysis treatment or have any major kidney issues.
* If you have recently suffered from a stroke (6 months).
* If you have a heart condition (unless your doctor has okayed you to participate in strenuous exercise
* If you are recovering from recent surgery.
* If you are on any medication that advises against strenuous exercise.
* If you have recently had a tattoo.
Please let our Teachers and Staff know.
We are happy to hold any class card for the duration of your pregnancy, please email us at
Practising While Pregnant:
During the delicate and critical time of your first trimester we ask you to refrain from practising at BYC.
If you are pregnant and have never practised Bikram/ Hot Vinyasa or Yin Yoga before, we suggest that you find a gentle pregnancy yoga class and come back to regular BYC Yoga classes about eight weeks after the birth of your child.
If you have had a regular BYC Yoga practise of no less than 1 year before becoming pregnant, please talk to a senior teacher after your first trimester, about resuming regular classes. Any less than this and we would again advise you to find a gentler yoga class for the duration of your pregnancy.
When you are pregnant your body temperature is already higher; therefore you would need a cooler part of the room. In addition, compressions or lying on your back are not recommended. Please inform your instructor to enable them to work with you.
Returning Post Pregnancy:
In regards to resuming your BYC Yoga practise or taking up a practise postpartum, we advice waiting approximately eight weeks after the birth of your child (including C-sections). We ask that you have been signed off by your GP/ health practitioner as ok to resume exercise, prior to your first class after birth.
If your doctor has okayed you to return to exercise postpartum, please ask the reception staff to give you the modification sheet to take into class, if you should need.
If you are breast feeding please make sure you adequately hydrate. It may also be uncomfortable to lie on your front, in this instance you may wish to practise the pregnancy serious for the belly down postures.
We always recommend that you speak to your doctor and any health workers supervising your pregnancy about what type of exercise is right for you and your baby.
You are welcome to join any class at BYC with high blood pressure, as long as you have been given the ok by your doctor to engage in strenuous exercise.
Always let BYC staff and teachers now about any medical issues include your blood pressure.
Make sure you take it easy and sit down/miss out postures if you need to.
If you have Asthma, you must always have your Blue inhaler on you to attend any class at BYC hot yoga.
Practising yoga in a heated room will be good for you in several ways:
The heat helps to relax the muscles and nerves.
The intensity at which you practice is up to you, appropriate for your needs.
If you are concerned about overexertion triggering an attack, use less effort. Sit down and relax whenever you need to.
It will relax your mind, letting go of tension, toxins and negativity.
Your lungs and heart are strengthened, improving our lung function.
In the long term you will be able to breath easier and deeper.
Even if the class you have chosen is not a heated one, there are still wonderful benefits for your mind, body & lungs.
Pre-Booking: It is incredibly helpful for us, if you pre-book into class, and it also assures your space. This being said we do happily accept walk-ins, if there is space.
If you pre-book, you can cancel out of class at any time prior to the start of class. Please always cancel if you are unable to attend. If you fail to cancel yourself out prior to the start of class then this is when a cancellation charges maybe applicable i.e. charge of £10 (for unlimited memberships including the intro offer) or lose the class (for 5 or 10 class cards).
Doors open 30 minutes before class starts (15minutes before 06:15am & 45 minutes for 6.15pm/8:15pm classes). We shut the doors half an hour after class has finished.
If you are new to class please come 15 minutes early so you have time to fill out a Registration Form. You can save time by printing and filling out our Registration Form from the website.
Please see online T&C’s for booking our cancellation policies.
14 years old. Under 16′s must be accompanied by an adult (over 18 years old) each time they practise. Their parent/guardian must sign their registration form. We offer an £8 Drop In rate for under 16′s.
16 and 17 year olds must be accompanied by an adult (over 18 years of age) on their first visit. Their parent/guardian must countersign their registration form. After their first accompanied visit, they are then able to come to class on their own.
Time is of the essence.
Why 90 minutes?
Bikram Yoga has been practiced as a 90 minute series of 26 postures + 2 breathing exercises, for over 40 years. In this time, it has accumulated millions of dedicated practitioners around the world, due to the many physical and mental benefits they have experienced.
90 minutes is the optimum length of time for the class to be practised in its most effective way, allowing:
– oxygenating breathing at the beginning of class and a detoxing breathing at the end;
– the optimum duration of each posture;
– second sets, which give you the opportunity to deepen your practise and see improvements instantly;
– a complete warm-up, slightly longer than the deeper structural work;
– a long Savasana after an intense Standing Series;
– a 20 second Savasana after every posture in the Floor Series, which is the minimum amount of time for your blood to circulate fully through your system ;
– a bit of extra time for Helen to forget what posture she’s teaching, for Andy to drop in a Beyonce/Kylie reference or for Fed to crack a joke and wait for his students to get it. Or not.
Rest/Savasnana between each posture is an integral part of the Bikram Yoga series. This is where the magic happens: Dead Body Pose facilitates powerful blood flow, then lets circulation return to normal, creating internal cleansing and greatly magnifying the benefits of the postures that precede it. We, also, begin to learn relaxation.
This particular 90-minute series of 26 postures + 2 breathing exercises, has been proved to systematically work every part of the body, to give all the internal organs, all the veins, all the ligaments, and all the muscles everything they need to maintain optimum health and maximum function. Each component takes care of something different in the body, and yet they all work together synergistically, contributing to the success of every other one, and extending its benefits.This is why it is so important to give yourself 90 minutes. For you; your body and mind. Not to steal a famous tag line, but… you are worth it!
*Concession prices are available to 65yrs+, Students, those in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance, Tax Credits, Income Support, Disability Allowance, the Armed Forces, NHS Employees, Police, Fire-Fighters, Equity and Musician Union Members, selected local businesses and 16-17years old. 14–15 year olds are entitled to an £8 Drop In rate but, they must be accompanied by an adult (over 18) to every class.
Concession Rates are only available in Studio. To claim concession rate please bring proof of your concession in every time you wish to make a purchase.
General Price | *Concession Price (ONLY AVAILABLE IN-STUDIO) | |
In-Studio Drop In | £22 | £19 |
BEST DEAL: Yearly Unlimited Not Inclu Mats | £1099 | N/A |
Yearly Unlimited Including Mats | £1199 | N/A |
Please note: You have one month from purchase to start these cards |
General Price | *Concession Price (only available in studio) | |||||||
Please note: This card starts on the day of purchase. |
General Price | Concession Price (only available in studio) | |||||||
12 Month Autopay | £109pm | £99pm | ||||||
Please note: This card starts on the day of purchase. |
We have both Male and Female Changing Rooms, with shower facilities, hairdryers, toilets and small lockers.
Our lockers are for valuables, you require a £1/Locker Token to close them but you do get this back once you put the key back in.
Pre-Booking: It is incredibly helpful for us, if you pre-book into class, and it also assures your space. This being said we do happily accept walk-ins, if there is space.
Cancellation Policy: You can cancel out of class at any time prior to the start of class. Please always cancel if you are unable to attend. If you fail to cancel yourself out prior to the start of class then this is when a cancellation charges maybe applicable i.e. charge of £10 (for unlimited memberships including the intro offer) or lose the class (for 5 or 10 class cards).
Please note that you must be in the room for the start if class, we do not permit latecomers.
Min. No Classes | Class Card | Price | Price/Class |
Once in a blue moon | Drop In | £22 | £22 |
1 per month | 5 Class Card | £95 | £19 |
2 per month | 10 Class Card | £166 | £16 |
1 per week | 10 Class Card | £166 | £16 |
2+ per week Cheapest per Class |
Yearly Unlimited
£1099 £1199 (with mats) |
without mats 2/week £10.57 3/week £7.07 |
2 x week pay monthly |
12 Month Autopay | £109/Month £119/Month with Mats |
without mats 2/week £13.63 3/week £9.08 |