ABOUT hot (vinyasa) flow
Hot Flow at BYC hot yoga!
Hot flow (also called hot vinyasa flow) is a constantly moving and flowing sequence of postures. In contrast to the Hot Bikram Yoga series, these postures change class to class. Movements are cued by the breath; allowing you to execute the dynamic postures seamlessly. This class will provide a great compliment to your Hot Bikram yoga practise or as a stand alone practise in itself, to build strength and improve balance and flexibility.
Containing downward dogs and sun salutations, along with arm balancing postures; Hot Vinyasa Flow allows you to focus more on the upper body, as well as core. It is an all round body/mind workout- whats not to love- we’ll see you there!
This class will be done in a heated studio around 36 degrees, slightly cooler to Bikram Hot Yoga, using bricks and blocks to aid & support your practise. We provide these free of charge, but simply ask you spray them with the cleaning solution provided after every class.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday – 12pm-1pm
Tuesday 8.15pm
Saturday 7.30am-8.20am
Want to see more hot flow on our schedule then let us know times that would work best for you!
Price: Drop In £21 or part of all our class card packages.
What you will need:
– Mat x 1 (we hire these for £1.50)
-Towel x 2 (one for class one for showering, we hire towels for £1.50)
-Water (we sell 500ml £0.60)
– Yoga kit to practise in (you will also probably want a change of clothes for after class as you will be sweating!)
bricks/ blocks are NOT currently being provided by BYC hot yoga due to Covid. So please feel free to bring you own should you so wish.