BYC Workshop – Cacao Women’s Circle

Cacao Women’s Circle

with Iren & Kat
Cacao * Yin * Nidra * Tibetan Bowls


Women’s Circle

Location: BYC hot yoga, The Studio, 1st Floor, Essex Place, London, W4 5UT.

Price: £23

Day: Monthly on Saturdays

Time/Dates :
8th March 2025 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm (BOOK NOW)
12th April 2025 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm (BOOK NOW)
10th May 2025 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm (BOOK NOW)
14th June 2025 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm (BOOK NOW)
12th July 2025 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm (BOOK NOW)
13th September 2025 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm (BOOK NOW)
11th October 2025 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm (BOOK NOW)
8th November 2025 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm (BOOK NOW)

Utilising a variety of yogic practices, these evenings will be an opportunity to connect, explore and share in a sacred feminine space.
We will explore themes such as Passion, Authenticity, Identity, Creative Expression and Overcoming Blocks. Women’s circles hold a space to make and develop connections and community.
We do hope you will join us.
Our circle welcomes all women, including Cis and Trans Women.
Mats, Yoga blocks and bricks are provided free of charge.
Please feel free to bring along eye pillows and blankets.
Ticket price is £25. If the price is prohibitive and you feel like you need this in your life, please do contact us via BYC hot yoga.

A portion of the ticket price will be donated to Doctors Without Borders.

TOTAL RAISED SO FAR (updated 22.01.25  £800)


The Cacao Spirit creates a ceremonial centre, a sacred circle in and around which energy harmonises and flows.

In its natural form, Cacao is an amazingly powerful Plant Medicine that helps us to release emotional blockages, and find forgiveness for ourselves and others. Cacao is a medicine for the heart, but its physiological benefits are for the whole body and mind. Cacao is the number one natural mood enhancer due to the abundance of uplifting phytonutrients it contains.

Yoga Nidra is a sacred yogic process of deep relaxation mixed with contemporary, evidence-based mind-body techniques from the fields of neuroscience; it is an awakened sleep state of consciousness. It is a technique that is scientifically proven to recharge your brain. When quieting the mind and withdrawing from sensory sensations, a blissful experience of timeless spaciousness occurs. This state of restful awareness accelerates healing and improves energy levels and vitality.

Yoga Nidra is a highly therapeutic and very transformational practice, inherently adapting itself to the needs of the individual.


Yin Yoga is a style of yoga that incorporates the Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy of working with the chi (energy) flow in the body along the meridians (paths through which the energy flows). Yin Yoga is a practice of finding stillness; it also invites you to gently explore the edges of your resistance in each of the poses.  The Yin Yogic edge is the limit of your conscious tolerance, discomfort and pain are to be avoided as they block energy flow.  However, reaching and nudging the edges with sufficient tension will stimulate the meridians and the energy flows. Once you find your edges you become still and muscularly soft, and in this stillness you allow the energy to flow deeper into the connective tissues.


Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation, harmonising both sides of the brain.; they also may help with muscle regeneration, releasing tensions or blockages, opening the energy flow, and eliminating toxins from the body.

I R E N  M E R D I N Y A N
Iren Armenak Merdinyan, the founder and guardian of Cacao Connexion and Raw Bonbon is a Cacao Medicine Woman and Yoga teacher, deeply committed to the art of working with Ceremonial Cacao, sharing the healing benefits of Yoga and relaxation, and crafting raw chocolate; you can find Raw Bonbon desserts in our BYC fridge.
“With a commitment, I work with the healing essence of Cacao with love and integrity. My heart, filled with the medicine of Cacao, resonates in harmony with Pachamama’s rhythm. I deeply appreciate and honour the ancient wisdom of the Toltecs and European medicine wheel ancestry and the embodied Yoga movement, while uniting traditions and spaces to incorporate this wisdom into our daily lives.” ~ Iren Armenak Merdinyan
Katrina discovered yoga at BYC, so it has always been her yoga home.
In Kat’s own words: “BYC with Helen at the helm, was and continues to be a place of wellbeing, friendship and discovery.” and as most of you already know Kat is an integral part of this. She is part of the live-blood of what makes BYC BYC!
After working the desk at BYC for a few years she started her teaching journey with Bikram training in 2011, since then she has gone on to add Yin and Yoga Nidra to her repertoire.

For more about Kat, her trainings etc check out her BYC bio.

Who can attend this workshop:
Our circle welcomes all women, including Cis and Trans Women.

Please advise if you are pregnant or if you are allergic to Cacao.

What you will need:

  • We provide mats & blocks but feel free to bring bolsters etc if you would like extra support.
  • a towel to put on the mat
  • water
  • a journal and a pen


Sometimes, yoga can trigger strong emotions and reactions. If this happens and you feel you need additional support, please seek advice from your counsellor, therapist or medical professional. Nothing offered is a replacement for medical care.
Yoga Nidra is not suitable for people with schizophrenia or other mental health conditions where there may be disassociation.
Please get in touch if you have any existing health conditions, are sensitive to imagery suggestions or are not sure if Yoga Nidra is suitable for you.
Please avoid consuming Cacao if:
  • you are taking anti-depressants (as the natural chemicals interact with the active component in anti-depressants)
  • you have a heart condition or are on high blood pressure medications
  • you are pregnant
  • you are caffeine sensitive (if you are well drinking coffee, you should feel well drinking Cacao)
  • you are allergic to Cacao.

All You Nidra
Sankalpa Yoga Nidra lead by Kat

This short Yoga Nidra is designed to support the fulfilment of your Sankalpa (heartfelt resolution).

If you haven’t encountered Sankalpa before, then it is always enough to rest deeply in the practice and just see what arises. Perhaps, as the practice allows you to loosen internal resistance and limitations, you will find insight and intuition about what you would like to bring into you life.

You can use this recording to practice daily.

BYC hot yoga, The Studio, 1st Floor, Essex Place, Chiswick, London, W4 5UT
BYC Workshop – Cacao Women’s Circle

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