Jenson’s first experience of Bikram yoga was an early morning class in the middle of winter in Belfast, after an hour long walk to get to the studio…. And he was hooked – probably because he spent 90 minutes thawing off and couldn’t face leaving the hot room. He then realized classes went on all through day and decided there were more reasonable times to practice, like when public transport was running.
He first got into his practice as a dancer in training, enjoying the discipline and the sweat, majorly using the yoga as a form of body maintenance and injury prevention and rehabilitation. But it wasn’t long before understanding there was much more to the yoga and could feel a dramatic change in not only his body but also his mind.
From traveling with work as a performer, Jenson has hopped in and out of studios across the world, and often had to find his own makeshift ‘studio’ – be it a hotel room or the open deck of a cruise ship in the middle of the Caribbean (that one definitely makes balancing series an interesting feat).
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A writer and a reader of books
Whats your idea of a perfect day?
The perfect day varies so much depending on the lead up. A nice chilled morning – coffee, breakfast in bed. Afternoon yoga, then a wander through town to a yet to be discovered part of London I haven’t been to before.
And always always, off to the theatre to see something fresh and exciting!
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Calm, content, compassionate.
Favourite Food?
Thai food or… potatoes (they’re so diverse… and I’m Irish)
If you could have a Super Power – What would you choose?
Teleportation – end the commute and holidays in seconds… ahhhh!
Whats your guiltiest pleasure?
There’s no guilt in pleasure – indulge, enjoy, and go back for more!
Best Yoga moment to date – personal or professional?
It’s never boiled down to one moment for me – I think the progress and the journey is just all very exciting. There are obviously moments of plateau and moments of break throughs. But being a new teacher, meeting new people and exploring how yoga benefits them and affects their lives as much as it does mine brings this wholesome joy of community.