Locust pose, named as such because our body looks like that of a locust while doing this posture. Although we are yet to come across any locust that looks like its in locust pose… if you find one please send us a pic!
So rather then getting stuck trying to look like a locust, lets instead channel our inner locust: a room full of awesome powerhouses that move together. So lets get going!
1. Lie on your mat/towel, stomach down, chin on the floor, throat stretched, feet and heels touching together. Body relaxed, breathing normal (in and out through your nose).
2. Move your arms to rest under the weight of your body, in a position as though you were playing volleyball with the mat. The full length and breadth of the arm under the body, with your elbows and hands disappearing underneath you. Palms side by side (so your baby fingers are touching) turned down facing the floor, fingers apart. The wider you stretch your fingers apart, the more you will be able to engage your tricep muscles.
This posture is amazing for tennis elbow etc but your arms have to be underneath you for it to help. Of course, if it is painful to lie on your elbows you can bring you arms out to the side, but keep trying to get them under your body class by class (any further questions, please consult your teacher).
3. Deep breath in, as your exhale lift your right leg up. Your right leg is strong, knee locked, quadriceps engaged and toes pointed. Make sure the hips stay square and always touching the arms. While you lift your leg, you simultaneously want to push down through your palms, moving your body weight forward by pushing down through your palms, locking your elbows and using your biceps and lower back strength.
4. Your leg should by lifted a minimum of 45 degrees off the floor, all the time your hips stay connected to your arms, right hip bone touching right arm. Keeping breathing, lifting the leg higher, pushing the floor away from you though your palms.
5. Change, slowly lower you right leg down and repeat with the left leg.
6. Right leg done, left leg done, now its time for both legs together. So in the immortal words of our teacher Rachel, “chin in kiss the towel, imagine your towel is Ryan Gosling or Eve Mendes- now kiss it!”
7. You may want to readjust your arms at this stage, moving your fingers tips further down towards your knees, elbows closer together, fingers open ready to push the floor away.
8. Bring your legs together and engage them like in Cobra, so its like you only have one leg. Lock your knees and point your toes. Engage your glutes & quadriceps. The tighter you are, the lighter your legs will be when they lift.
9. Take a deep breath in, pushing your palms into the floor, and tightening your biceps move your body weight forward.
10. Exhale, lift both legs up.
11. Breathe normally, do not hold your breath it will not help!
13. Change – keep your upper body strong, so you can slowly (with control) lower both legs to the floor.
14. Move your arms back out to the side and relax. Savasana- you have earned it!

Same benfits as cobra pose and even more effective in helping conditions of slipped disc and sciatica.
Tones legs and hips.
Increases spinal strength, flexibility and circulation.
Improves flexibility and tone of spinal muscles.
Helps relieve and prevent backache.
Helps cure or relieve lumbago, rheumatism, arthritis and menstrual problems.
Helps cure loss of appetite.
Improves sluggish digestion.
Increases abdominal pressure and regulates intestinal function.
Strengthens the abdominal wall.
Helps correct bad posture.
Improves function of liver and spleen.
Strengthens shoulder, arm and back muscles.
Compresses and opens spine.
Relieves cervical spondylitis and back pain.
Encourages concentration and perseverance.