users and growing…
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Get your copy of Jupiter today and download our entire template collection.
User experience has always been our top priority. You just need to try it to see what we actually mean!
We are very concerned about the smallest details. Almost every single element is made to look and work perfectly.
Jupiter is undoubtedly one of the most powerful WP themes but it is also the fastest and performance driven solution ever.
Outstanding Support
We made it so easy and initiative. Used by thousands and fixed over the time. But if you need any help using it, we have a team of expert just for that.
Deeply Customisable
Jupiter theme options is designed by designers for designers. It means we thought of all possible scenarios and challenges to create a unique website.
Smooth And Fluent
We think even the best looking product worth nothing without a great user experience. We had to think out of the box to create something this fast!
Liked by Thousands
20000 users and growing is a not only a proof. It means there is a great community behind Jupiter. It has been tested and perfected over the years.

Not just responsive
Jupiter is not only responsive. It also adopts itself into every screen resolution. It is coded and designed to look perfect in full range of devices. But that was not enough for us. We are so fastidious that we have tested the whole demo, elements, pages and templates with extra care using physical and virtual screens to make sure everything looks as it is supposed to.
High resolution ready
Jupiter is designed for mobile screens and it is fully responsive. It also embraces the latest solutions to make your website look crisp and clean in high resolution devices. You have the option to control your image resolutions in all post types. The elements though, are re-scalable and they look sharp by default.